Sunday, February 12, 2012

OAS. the damage is done.

D - The verdict. Boomers get their way. GenXYZ get 'haircuts'.
No surprise.

G&M: have you considered learning how to make a chart that is NOT misleading? Don't start at 1% where folks expect 0% to be. Not without denoting it.
This is sensational and misinforming.

I'd be curious what the chart would look like if we de-indexed inflation from the clawback.
Oh wait- can't do that. It would mean the upper class Boomers would get a haircut too. Can't have that.

Well, it's official.
I give up on all the federal political parties.


  1. "Just vote". Really?
    Vote for which party.
    They all suck.
    Boomers, as I have indicated in the last month of pension and OAS blogs, control all of them.
    Honestly, I really don't thinking voting will change anything at all. Nothing.

  2. Voting is a distraction for us. If it means young adults think they've 'done their democractic duty', and think they can then rest on their laurels for 4-5 years, then voting is actually damaging. As opposed to writing a letter to your representative. Writing articles for your local paper. Starting petitions. Maybe causing some hell?

  3. I just scrutinized the other chart too. The time spacing is 3 years, 3, 3... then SEVEN and then FIFTEEN. Really, G&M? Really? What is this, rookie hour? I thought you were supposed to be the high-brow intellectual national paper.
