Thursday, April 5, 2012

Old drivers to get graduated licenses for cars

An editorial published this week in the Canadian Medical Association Journal says some seniors keep driving as they age despite “substantial physical or mental deterioration.”

The piece points to data from 2009 showing more seniors died in fatal vehicle crashes than any other age group and goes on to suggest a graduated licensing system – like what new drivers work through – to help protect elderly Canadians and others on the road.

“The main motivation here is that road trauma is a serious cause of death and disability in seniors throughout Canada,” said Donald Redelmeier, a professor of medicine at the University of Toronto who co-authored the editorial.

Regulations currently in place across much of the country require physicians to report patients who are likely to be a hazard on the road based on medical conditions. Some provinces also require drivers to be retested once they reach a certain age.

In Ontario, for example, residents 80 and over need to renew their licence every two years and must pass a visual and multiple-choice test on road safety before attending a group education session to brush up on their skills.

The problem with the existing regulations, said Dr. Redelmeier, is that many doctors often don’t report patients who might pose a risk on the road.

Dr. Redelmeier says such a graduating licensing program might place restrictions on night-time driving, high-speed roads and blood alcohol concentration.


D - interestingly, teen and retired drivers share a single identical risk factor: night blindness. Limiting driving after sundown makes sense for both.

I'd like to point out that car rental companies do not pick on retirees the same way as they do youth, despite an identical risk of accidents.

D - look at the pretty picture. Seniors match the accident rate of teen drivers by 75-80. It is only fair at that point that
1) either they get treated the same, or
2) we remove the limits on teen youth drivers.

P.S.: feel free to tell car rental companies that you will BOYCOTT them if they continue to discriminate against teen and young adult drivers!
This is particularly important if you are older than that - it shows solidarity.
If you are still that young, promise you will continue to nurse your grudge in a few more years! <:

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